I learn new things in computer graphics which is making shapes. Basically it is plotting points on the screen. For example, the points (1,0) (3,0) (2,1). Once you ploted them the area inside is colored but you have to set the color before plotting. So I learn to make triangles, squares and much more. Either use 2 triangles to make a square or use a quads. With quads you can make many different shapes. Below are what i have make using many different things.
Making a square was tricky at first because you have to plot in seqeunce from 1 side to another.
For example
glEnd( );
You can't swap (2) with (3) or else the shape won't be a perfect square even though if you think about it, the points should make a sq but it dosen't work that way.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Computer Graphics (Shapes)
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Monday, October 29, 2007
Computer Graphics
This is what I have learnt during Computer Graphics module in my course. It is done using C++ with sine wave. It is quite fun to play around with the colours.
This picture above is what they called Meltdown. Although in my case i change it a little to make it go from bottom to up. The original which is from top to bottom can be used to make it looked like blood is dripping downwards like is a gore/horror movies.
Overall i find that learning Computer Graphics is getting interesting although i kinda hate doing C++ but since the lecturers were kind enough to give out the codes for us to play. It's kinda fun now.
(Ignore the stupid face. Was fooling around with PixelPloting)
(Here's another picture with the sinewave being 'twig' a little)
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Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Game Review
Title of the Game:
Splinter Cell: Double Agent
Platform of Game:
PC Game
Genre of Game:
3rd Person Stealth-based
Ubisoft Shanghai (Version one), Ubisoft Montreal (Version two),
Ubisoft Annec & Milan (Multiplayer & Challenge Mode)
Product Model Year:
November 2006
Game Requirements:
Intel Pentium 4 3.0 GHz or equivalent CPU, 1 GB RAM,
10 GB hard disk,DirectX 9.0c, Shader 3.0 enabled 128 MB video card (256 recommended)
Description of the game:
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent is the fourth installment in the Splinter Cell series of video games developed and published by Ubisoft. follows the character Sam Fisher, a "Splinter Cell" employed by a black-ops division of the National Security Agency, dubbed Third Echelon
Game Play:
Single Player, Multiplayer
Top notch. Very realistic. Need a REALLY good computer to be able to play without
flickering or lagging
Best to use headsets so you can hear people footsteps or hear them talking. Smallest sounds
like stepping on a puddle can be heard either your own or theirs. Stealth is the key to the game so listen intensively
Overall it's a good game that requires you to be intensively aware of your surroundings and think twice about the actions you want to make. Each move will have it's consequences
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Mathematics I Recap
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